The chance of pairing the strongest with the weakest player is 50%, strongest with third-strongest 33%, and strongest with second-strongest 17%.

Choose at least 4 players and then
Number of chosen players: 0
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Carrie bradshaw opening credits
Screen+shot+2016 01 19+at+4.18.36+pm
Marsimoto 158941
Barbara eden bezaubernde jeannie
Peter lustig
Wulle logo
Carrie fisher tot
Ch image teaser bibi 720x920
Sigmar gabriel
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A1ll5xaffxl. sl1500
Tomtom 1501598547896 ylic7l22ht2l 630 80
Ron weasley
Kayateaser 01
88fdb7fa 2acf 46b3 9cf0 e7d0cc84696a
Pippi langstrumpf filmbild2
Justin bieber