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Panchenko Oleg

2625d500 3da6 4b72 abe3 c448c8965615
Current winning streak 1
Longest winnng streak 3
Trend 19 (Points)
Elo Points 1141
Highest points 1192 Points (-51)
Lowest points 1115 Points (26)
Matches played 52
Galenko Alexey
is the best partner
Ff11e8ee bf04 4485 9ff9 6402f1020132
2625d500 3da6 4b72 abe3 c448c8965615
Yakovlev Georgiy
the worst
2625d500 3da6 4b72 abe3 c448c8965615
5f50fb07 2091 4b59 8e71 c41c498016f7

Match history (last 100 matches)

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