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T038lbg7j u0kurneaj a7c3ee8b71d2 512
Current winning streak 2
Longest winnng streak 8
Trend 69 (Points)
Elo Points 1269
Highest points 1267 Points (2)
Lowest points 1208 Points (61)
Matches played 18
is the best partner
T038lbg7j u0kurneaj a7c3ee8b71d2 512
T038lbg7j ubjcz59u7 d0d85bdde28a 72
the worst
T038lbg7j u0kurneaj a7c3ee8b71d2 512
T038lbg7j u01j408v204 7daf7f8bd4bf 72

Match history (last 100 matches)

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